Nov 16, 2018

1st sentence of Light on Yoga by BKS Iyengar

The Inward Journey

- 'Spiritual realization is the aim that exists in each of us to seek our divine core.'

1st sentence of The Heart of the Buddha's Teaching by Thich Nhat Hanh

Entering the Heart of the Buddha

- 'Buddha was not a god. 

1st sentence of 모모 by 미하엘 엔데

사람들이 아주 다른 말을 쓰던 옛날 옛날 아주 먼 옛날, 따뜻한 나라들에는 크고 화려한 도시들이 세워져 있었다. 

1st sentence of A Nun on the Bus by Sr. Simone Campbell

'The movies often imagine the classic Catholic family of postwar America as one of those sprawling, rosary-reciting clans living in an urban ethnic enclave with a passel of kids and producing a politician or two, maybe a playwright or a poet, and of course a priest and perhaps a nun.'

1st sentence of 피의 언어 by 제인 정 트렌카, 정경아

'사랑하는 딸 미자와 경아에게.
1992년 올 한해도 미국 부모님 건강하시고 하시는 일 날로 번창하길 빈다.' 

1st sentence of Ishmael by Daniel Qinn

'The first time that I read the ad, I chocked and cursed and spat and threw the paper to the floor.'

로힝야 소년, 수피가 사는집 / 자나 프라일론 저, 홍은혜 역

'모두가 잠든 한밤중에 천막 밖의 푸석한 모래바닥이 멋진 바다로 바뀔 때가 있다.' 

1st sentence of To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee

'When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow.' 

Poetic Justice by Martha C. Nussbaum

The Literary Imagination -

'Noting in his children a strange and unsavory exuberance of imagination, an unwholesome flowering of sentiment - in short, a lase from that perfect scientific rationality on which both private and public life, when well managed, depend - Mr. Gradgrind, economist, public man, and educator, inquiries into the cause:

"Wheather," said Mr. Gradgrind, pondering with his hand in his pockets, and his cavernous eyes on the fire, "whether any instructor on servant can have suggested anything? Whether Louisa or Thomas can have been reading anything? Whether, in spite of precautions, any idle story-book can have got into the house? Because, in minds that have been practically formed by rule and line, from the cradle upwards, that is so curious, so incomprehensible." 

1st sentence of Quiet Odyssey by Mary Paik Lee

- 'Korea, a small country attached to the northeast of China, had been independent for centuries before 1882.' 

1st sentence of The Quest for Statehood by Richard S. Kim

Chapter 1 Mapping the Geopolitical Terrain of the Korean Diaspora

- Korean migrations to the United States during the first half of the twentieth century occurred within a relatively short window of time. 

1st sentence of 대한민국은 왜? by 김동춘

대한민국 국민 가운데 안중근을 모르느 이는 없다. 

1st sentence of A Life beyond Boundaries by Benedict Anderson

I was born on 26 August 1936, in Kunming, on the eve of the massive Japanese invasion of northern China, and just three years before the Second World War broke out in Europe. 

1st sentence of Toward the African Revolution by Frantz Fanon

The "North African Syndrome"

- It is a common saying that man is constantly a challenge to himself, and that were he to claim that he is so no longer he would be denying himself. 

1st sentence of Annihilation of Caste by B.R. Ambedkar, forwarded by Arundhati Roy

'Annihilation of Caste' is the nearly eighty-year-old text of a speech that was never delivered. - Arundhati Roy

Friends, I am really sorry for the members of the Jat-Pat Todak Mandal who have so very kindly invited me to preside over this conference. - BR Ambedkar 

1st sentence of Crises of the Republic by Hannah Arendt

'The Pentagon Papers - as the forty-seven-volume "History of US Decision-Making Process on Vietnam Policy" (commissioned by Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara in June 1967 and completed a year and a half later) has become known ever since the New York Times published, in June 1971, this top-secret, richly documented record of the American role in Indochina from World War II to May 1968 - tell different stories, teach different lessons to different readers.